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PPP - Setup in FreeBSD

This page is for morons who cannot figure out how to use IJPPP

(IJPPP is also called user-ppp, iijppp, etc ... modified a lot by the person at .)

Type this to get on using IJPPP, ONLY TYPE THIS:

     $ ppp

     Dial BLAH BLAH

     (ppp ON blah) set authname (username)

     (ppp ON blah) set authkey (password)

     (ppp ON blah) set speed 115200 (for 28.8+ modems)

     (ppp ON blah) term

     -Terminal Interface (or whatever it says)

     atdt (phone number for isp's dialing)


     Login (you now type only this):  ~p (and hit return)

     (PPP ON blah) add 0 0 HISADDR

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