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Commands and Flags

Note: All unix commands are case sensitive
man <command> to elaborate on each command listed below
man man If you dont know what a manpage is.

Command/Flag  Description

alias  Use to specify command aliases. 
-t  Specifies tracking command paths.
-x  Exports aliases for use by scripts.

at  Use to schedule, examine, or delete jobs for queued execution.
-v   displays version information
-q queue  Specifies queue to use (as a letter). Higher letters are nicer.
-m address  Specifies mail notification to use when job has completed.
-f file  reads job from file.
-l   Lists queues, just like "atrm"
-d  deletes scheduled jobs.

atq  Use to show queues of scheduled jobs.
-q queue  Specifies queue to use (as a letter)
-v   Displays completed but not deleted jobs or scheduled time for unexecution jobs.

atrm  Use to remove a job from the queue
-q queue  Specifies queue to use (as a letter)

awk  Use to manipulate files as databases.
-Ffieldseperator Specifies field sepertaor
-v variable=value Stes variable to value
-f program -file Specifies file or files containing awk program source
--help  prints help information
--version  prints version information

bash  Use the efficient, user-friendly shell bash
-c string  Reads commands from string
-i  Makes the shell interactive, as opposed to non-interactive as in a shell script.
-s   Specifies that additional options, beyond those given, should be read from stand-

  ard input.
-, --   Indicates the end of options and stops further option processing.
-norc  Specifies "not" to read ~/.bashrc
-noprofile  Specifies "not" to read system-wide or individual configuration files.
-rcfile files  Specifies alternate configuration files
-version  Displays bash version number
-quiet  Specifies not to display informative messages when starting (default setting)
-login   Specifies to start bash as a login shell
-nobraceexpansion Specifies not to interpret or complete statements within curly bracse

-nolineediting  Specifies not to allow command line editing if shell is interactive
-posix  Specifies posix compliance which helps make anything more portable from system to system.

batch  Use to schedule jobs for low system loads.
bg  Use to move a job in the background
cal  Use to display a calendar (Pretty neat)
-j   Displays julian dates with days numbered through the year from January 1.
-y   Displays the current year's calendar
month year  Specifies month (1 to 12) and year (1 to 9999)

cat   Use to send text to standard output (prints to working screen)
-b, --number-nonblank Specifies to number all non-blank output lines
-n, --number  Specifies to number all output files
-s, --squeeze-blank Specifies to replace adjacent blank lines with single blank line
-v, --show-nonprinting Specifies to display control characters with "^" preceding them.
-A, --show-all  Specifies to show all control charatcers
-E, --show-ends  Specifies to display a "$" at the end of each line
-T, --show-tabs  Specifies to display tab characters as "^I".
--help  Displays a help message.
--version  Displays the version number

chmod  Use to change the access permissions of the files
-c, --changes  Specifies to list files whose permission actually change
-f, --silent, --quiet Supresses error messages
-v, --verbose  Specifies to describe changed permissions
-R, --rescursive Specifies to recursively change permissions of directories and contents
--help  Displays help message
--version  Displays version information

  Devon Crasse < >

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