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       Setting up a Wheel Mouse with FreeBSD

 I recently purchased a Logitech Wheel Mouse and found the HOWTO on on how to make this work in freeBSD 4.0. 

1st off I would like to give credit to Eric Brueggmann for getting me this far and to only add to what he has provided not take credit for his work. During the setup I found some problems and thought I would pass these along to you as maybe this will give you a little more information during your setup. Basically the instructions provided were pretty close but the paths to some of the items were of and I had to go searching for them. So to avoid any confusing I will just start from the begining and include the
prior work. 

 Configure youe X server, I used the graphical interface to do this so if you use another method you'll have to figure out where all this goes. Choose the emulate the 3 button mouse and select the correct port for the mouse. Remember anytime you make any changes to youe X server you may have to go through these steps tto make your mouse work properly.

rc.conf Section

1)In your /etc/rc.conf make sure you have moused_enable "NO" 

2)in /etc/defaults/rc.conf make sure you have moused_enable "NO"
and you need to comment out the mouse_flags=" " whether it's 3 or 0

3)Install imwheel from the ports collection cd /usr/ports/x11/imwheel

4)make all install clean

XF86Config Section

5)Edit XF86Configvi /etc/XF86Config

6)Add the following lines to the Pointers section

ZAxisMapping   4 5

7)Disable (comment) all the 3 Button emulation from the XF86Config


Imwheel Configuration

8)cd /usr/X11R6/etc

9)vi imwheelrcunder the Netscape section look for and uncomment:

 #None,Down, Down,7, 1000, 1000
    #None,Up, Up,7, 1000, 1000

CommentNone,  Down, Page_Down,1, 1000, 1000
None,  Up, Page_Up,1, 1000, 1000

This will make for a smoother scroll in Netscape.

10)Start up imwheel, this must be done every time you start your XWindows

imwheel -k

A few notes:

If you are running WindowMaker, you can ignore this step by putting the
following into ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart
imwheel -k 
and you can kill imwheel by including the following into the
killall imwheel

If anyone else knows of any startups for the various window managers please
post the to be attached to this.

 Gizmo May 05, 2000

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